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During the holiday months, most of us have a lot of exciting things going on. There are friends and family in town, traditions to be carried on, and so much good food and drink to celebrate with. But is this coming at the price of not getting enough sleep?

If you’ve ever felt yourself feeling exhausted during the holidays despite how excited you are, there’s one thing you should try to keep yourself in balance; and you might be surprised to know it’s getting as much (or more!) sleep than you usually get.


Tired mom not getting enough sleep

That’s right: sleep is critical to your immune system and general health. Our bodies need sleep not just to rest but because it is during the nighttime hours that our immune systems function at their best. This means that if you’re spending your nights up late reading or partying, you may be putting yourself at risk for illness down the road.

Why is Getting Enough Sleep Important?

There are a few reasons why this is the case. First, when we’re sleeping, our bodies produce growth hormone, which helps keep our organs functioning normally. This includes our immune system, so not getting enough rest can actually make your body less able to fight off illness and disease.

Another reason is that our sleep cycles and circadian rhythms are closely linked to our immune systems. When we don’t get enough sleep, it can throw off our natural patterns of being awake, alert, and active during the day and then quiet, calm restfulness at night. This imbalance can negatively impact how well our immune systems work when we need them most.

Family Health is Family Wealth this Holiday Season

Sleep Deprivation and Your Immune System

If you’ve been so exhausted you felt ill; you know how critical sleep is to your immune system. What happens in the body when we don’t get enough sleep? Why does it lead to illness and infection? One factor is that when our bodies aren’t getting enough rest, they become stressed. Stress is linked to changes in our hormone levels and can weaken our immune systems.

Another critical factor is that when we don’t get adequate sleep, our white blood cells are less effective at killing bacteria that cause illness and disease. So if you’re constantly getting run down during the holidays because you’re not getting enough sleep, your body is more prone to illnesses such as the common cold and flu.

A good night’s sleep is one of the easiest ways to protect your immune system! This is important, with RSV and the flu being so predominant this year. So if you’re feeling worn down and exhausted, get as much sleep as possible over the holidays. Even sneaking in a 30-minute nap during the day can help you feel more energized and better equipped to keep yourself healthy.

Boosting Your Sleep Schedule

There are some things you can do to help ensure that you get enough sleep during this busy time of year. First, maintain a regular sleep schedule, even if it means going to bed earlier than you would on a work night.

If you’re feeling the effects of not getting enough sleep, try cutting down on caffeine and alcohol consumption in the evenings, as these can negatively impact your sleep quality.

Finally, you can try some light exercise in the morning or midday to help boost your energy and alertness. Even a 15-minute walk can boost your mood! This can make it easier for you to sleep at night, knowing that you’ve taken steps during the day to promote healthy sleep habits.

Adjuments to Boost Immunity!

And finally, don’t forget to take care of your body by coming in for frequent chiropractic adjustments! Many of our clients increase their appointments around the holidays to ensure they are in the best possible health and can deal with all the stress and activity.

If you usually come in once a month, try coming in twice to give your body that extra attention it needs. We make it really easy to schedule online so that you can book an appointment anytime…like right now!

Let us help you enjoy this time with friends and family and not be sidelined by feeling sick or exhausted. We’re here to help you make sure you are that you are feeling good and enjoying life! Call us at (262) 796-5108 to discuss a treatment plan that works for you. 

Healthy Tips for Winter