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Fresh Air: Natures Best Medicine for your Spine! | Brookfield Family Chiropractic

As more and more of us work and socialize from our home base, we are often looking for ways to improve our physical and mental health when the truth is that the cheapest ‘medicine’ is likely right outside your front door, and you don’t even need a prescription to get it!

Fresh Air Invigorates

Getting outside, whether, on a walk around the block or a hike at the local park, a good blast of fresh air invigorates your body inside and out. In the first place, it helps clear out your lungs. It sounds simple, but some nice deep breaths send all that fresh goodness rushing through your lungs and right into your bloodstream. 

The healthy oxygen your lungs takes in also helps maintain healthy brain function. Your brain is actually very sensitive to decreased oxygen levels. Conversely, when you increase your exposure to fresh air, you’re also improving your brain function by naturally elevating those oxygen levels. The quickest remedy for feeling run down is taking some time outside, whether that’s a quick walk down the road or sitting on your back patio for a few minutes of relaxed peace: get your brain the fresh air it needs.

Fresh Air Boosts Your Immune System

Heading outside for some fresh air is doubly beneficial because it also means you are naturally increasing your body’s intake of Vitamin D. An unsung hero of holistic health, Vitamin D is an essential nutrient for healthy brain function as it protects the neurons within the brain and helps reduce inflammation.

 Especially where recovery from a Covid-19 infection is concerned, Vitamin D deficiency seems to play a role in helping patients recover. So, even if it’s a bit chilly outside, roll up those sleeves and let the Vitamin D sink in! Of course, if you live somewhere that’s always sunny, studies have shown that daily use of sunscreen does not contribute to decreased Vitamin D levels, so rest assured you can be safe in the sun while getting that vitally needed fresh air!

Fresh Air Can Mean A Fresh Perspective and Help Reduce Stress

The human body is hard-wired to crave fresh air and being outside, and when you give your body what it needs: it will reward you. Science has shown us in study after study that time spent in nature helps reduce stress levels through observed lowered heart rates. 

Furthermore, when we go for even a moderate hike or a simple walk in the fresh air, we release endorphins that help regulate our moods. Add to that Vitamin D, as well as simply awakening all our senses to the smell of nature and the feeling of the fresh breeze; it’s easy to see why fresh air is one of the best medicine nature has to offer us.

Keep Your Immune System Healthy With Regular Chiropractic Care

By keeping yourself on a wellness schedule with regular adjustments, your immune system will repay you by fighting for you! You truly don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone when it comes to a healthy immune system, so let’s continue that fight. Get outside and instantly reduce your stress! 

Come in to our Brookfield office and let us help you assess the right treatment for you and your spinal health, so you feel better in mind and body.

women getting fresh air