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Life has changed, and you are now living your dream of working from home. Right? There is nothing like waking up, pouring a cup of coffee, and beginning your commute. Your shorter, less scenic commute to the living room, dining, basement (in my world), or your at-home office. Can I ask you a personal question? At what time do you decide to change out of your pajamas and into regular clothes? Or do you change into a different pair of pajamas for the workday? Do you have a morning and evening pair?

Another question I have, which is far more important is what does your at-home desk set up look like? Are you beginning to long for your work desk, chair, or computer? Are you sitting on a sofa with a laptop? Are you sitting at the kitchen island hunched over a barstool? What about the kitchen table and those horrible chairs? None of these places are ideal for your posture, nor are they for productivity. Let’s review some simple steps as to how to keep your posture on track and be productive working from home.

Here are a few simple steps to take in order to make your at-home work life feel like your at work life.

Hurry, go to your desk at home and go through these with me.

  • Make sure you are sitting on a supportive chair.
  • Push your back all the way to the back of the chair.
  • Your feet should be flat on the floor
  • Make sure your knees are at a 90-degree angle or slightly lower than your hips
  • If you have an armrest on your chair, place your elbows on the armrest and be sure your shoulders are relaxed.
  • Your monitor should be positioned directly in front of you. This will keep you from slouching. Also, if you have dual monitors, please put the monitor you use 51 plus percent of the time directly in from of you and then angle the second one-off from the first one. When you use the second monitor, rotate your whole body and square up to that monitor. Slightly rotating your neck for a period of time will cause additional strain, stress, and headaches.
  • If you are able, a standing desk is a great alternative.
  • In order to stay productive, make sure you are taking a break every hour. Set a timer and when the timer sounds get up from your chair and go get a drink of water, use the restroom, or stretch. This break will energize you for the upcoming hour.

Whether you choose to sit at a desk or you have a standing desk, neither of them is meant to be used for eight hours a day for five days a week. It is best to switch between the two and remember to take breaks every hour. Following the above steps will help you decrease headaches, neck pain, back pain, and even help you adapt to stress better.

If you have any questions or you are experiencing increased headaches, neck pain, back pain, or more stress, please reach out to Dr. Nicole at 262-796-5108 for help. We can also be reached on Facebook ,https://www.facebook.com/KnappChiro/.